Posts Tagged ‘Fur’

Fall Fur on Portero

September 29, 2009

Hopefully you’ve had a chance to check out our just-launched, amazing collection of pristine fur. We’re really excited to have scored a bunch of great brands and unbelievable prices, especially in a season when modern fur accessories are so in style. (We have jackets, coats, accessories, vests and home goods!)

We had a lot of fun putting together a fashion shoot for the products, and the video above will give you a behind-the-scenes look at all the work that goes into the making of Check it out and then shop Fur to make a stylish statement this year.

Also, we’re offering a limited-time promotion: Buy any Fur item and receive 10% off a 2nd item, from any other category, added to the same order now through October 15, 2009 11:59PM ET. Just enter FUR at checkout and start shopping now to save.